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Command handler

What's a command handler?

A command handler allows you to have a more organized main file.

When you use your main file to store commands, it's ok, but after creating a few commands, it's quite hard to find and update those commands, isn't it? On that case, you should consider use a Command Handler wich will allow you to store your commands in a more organized way and keeping your main file away from a code disaster.


Step 1 - Initialize a new command loader on your main file:

index.js (example)
const oxi = require("oxi.js");

const client = new oxi.Client({
token: "Your token",
prefix: "Your prefix",

const loader = new oxi.LoadCommands(client);
loader.load(client.cmd, './commands/') // 'commands' can be changed to any other folder that you want

Step 2 - Create your commands folder

You should go to your project, and, into your root folder you should create a folder named just like the folder name you established before in your index, in this case, the folder name should be 'commands'

Commands Folder

Step 3 - Create folders inside your 'commands' folder

These folders will contain all your commands, you can create any as you want!

Command SubFolders

Step 4 - Create a file ended in .js extension

That file will contain your file's code

Command example

module.exports = {
name: "Command Name",
aliases: ["Command Aliases"], // You can leave this empty
code: `
Hello, world!

You can also have 2 or more commands in the same file like this:

module.exports = [{
name: "command1",
aliases: ["Command Aliases"], // You can leave this empty
code: `
Hello, world!
name: "command2",
aliases: ["cmd2"],
code: `
Hello again!