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Allows you to make a 'user info' command without using a bunch of different functions at once



Available properties

{username}stringReturns user's username
{id}stringReturns user's ID
{usertag}stringReturns user's tag
{discriminator}numberReturns user's discriminator
{avatar}stringReturns user's avatar URL
{bot}booleanWhether the user is a bot or not
{creationDate}stringReturns the user's account creation date.
{defaultAvatar}stringReturns user's default avatar URL
{bannerColor}stringReturns user's HEX accent color
{badges}stringReturns user's badges

This function automatically creates an embed, you can disable it by typing "no" in useEmbed field.

This function also includes a thumbnail with the user's avatar, you can disable it by typing "no" in useThumbnail field, this will also be removed when typing "no" in useEmbed


name: "userInfo",
code: `
$userInfo[{username}'s info:
ID: {id}
avatar: {avatar}
Account creation date: {creationDate}
Badges: {badges}]